We can all find similarities if we look close enough, but the beauty is in our differences!

We can all find similarities if we look close enough, but the beauty is in our differences!

Great handbags all have commonalities. They need have a good structure, be made of quality materials, and meet certain criteria in order to be labeled correctly. I mean, no-one wants to go looking for a good satchel only to find a bunch of hobos, if you get my drift! But here's the thing, even if a handbag is labeled as one thing and there are a lot of bags that fall into that specific classification, each one, even with the same design is unique in its own way. You can have 3 floral bags with the exact same design, but all 3 are still unique. Each one is made with a different part of the thread, each material may dawn the same flowers but the placement may be different, and each one may have the same colors, but how the individual rocks that handbag may bring out something new that you've never noticed before.

When we turn this around and put this perspective into life's mirror, what is reflected back is in the eye of the beholder. No better, no worse but just is. We can all appreciate our differences if we try. Even identical twins who share the exact same DNA and have the same face have glaring differences that may not be visible at the first glance. There is no shame in being different. In fact, it's beautiful. And there is something quite striking about a person who can accept themselves and their unique traits, their quirky qualities, and wear it proudly even when others try to label them. Confidence is your greatest accessory. It is the one thing that goes with every outfit, every personality and doesn't care who you are or where you come from. Confidence is your spirit glowing and saying I know who I am, love it or hate it, I'm comfortable in the skin I'm in. And even when others don't like it, they have to respect it on one level or another. 

So the moral of this story is, appreciate yourself and understand that those things that make you different, are the same things that you should learn to appreciate most. After all, the world would be a pretty boring place if everyone was the same. 

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